Paying it Forward!

One of the things I enjoy most is to be able to pay it forward with those who are in the transplant process. During my own process, and the many admissions into the hospital, I had been visited by some of the most wonderful people who also had experienced a liver transplant. They not only shared their story with me, but helped me with ways to approach this new life, assisting me with ideas to keep the new regimen of prescriptions straight, warning me of side effects, dos, don'ts and don't worry about its, and so on. NZTIIntegris Baptist, and LifeShare Oklahoma are very good about connecting people with whom they believe can be of help.

On days I am in for my routine check ups, I always allow time to go upstairs to the transplant wing to see if there is anyone there who is up for a visit, or even perhaps they are down and would welcome prayer. I am  honored to do both. I live two hours from the hospital, but it is my plan to attempt at least one visit a month, possibly even two if schedules permit.

Please know that if you have a loved one, or know of someone in any hospital, within a reasonable distance, I would love to come visit with them. Don't hesitate to drop me a line in the CONTACT ME box on the bottom left of the blog.

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